Differences between VPS and VDS

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What is the difference between a VPS and a VDS?

People with a superficial knowledge of IT often confuse important terms. For example, VPS and VDS. Both of these acronyms stand for virtual servers. However, there are a few differences between the two that you should learn before ordering services to purchase them.

Short on virtual servers

To understand the difference between VPS and VDS, you need to first understand how virtual servers work. There's really nothing complicated about it. There is such a thing as a data exchange center (DEC). It is located at the provider. There are several physical servers (PS) in it. On each of them, there is separate software. This is the visualization environment. And there can be several such environments on each FS. At the same time, they will function on one «hardware». But the virtual environments (VES) never overlap with each other. This allows them to be more productive.

Just for the sake of understanding. For example, several organisations have decided to rent a server from a provider. In fact, they will be on the same hardware. However, applications and other things will be running at high speed.
But what is the purpose of such a lease? Firstly, to ensure savings on infrastructure. This is especially important for businesses of different levels. After all, if you do not rent the BC, the company representatives will have to maintain all the hardware and related equipment themselves. And this sharply increases current expenses. Lease is much cheaper. Besides, company representatives can request as much capacity as they need. In fact, their number is not limited by anything. Everything depends only on the specifics of the provider.

Every BC has two services – VPS and VDS. In principle, they are not much different from each other. All the differences here are primarily related to the adaptation of terms. However, a certain difference is still present here. It is related to the scale of the service and some of its technical details.

What is a VPS

This is a cloud type server. It is used to create different virtual machines (VMs). That is, there are several virtual «divisions» on a physical medium. They share the capacity of «hardware» between them. When a client asks to provide a separate service, the provider gives him one of these «subdivisions», which is most suitable for the tasks specified by the customer. This is VPS (virtual private service, as this abbreviation is translated into Russian).
And such servers are scalable. That is, if necessary, the provider can easily change the amount of resources provided (for example, add server volume, etc.). It does not take much time. But such a moment provides good load adaptability.

And such servers are scalable.

Please note! In simple words, when a unit does not cope with current tasks (for example, it lacks capacity or space), the provider simply «expands» it is on a physical medium. This increases operational efficiency and reduces the risk of various system failures.

What is VDS

The principle of operation of such servers is similar to the algorithm described above. The difference with VPS is small. Basically, it consists only of the fact that VDS already initially has a greater reserve of resources. In addition, it has a higher degree of isolation, which also positively affects the work. At the same time, from its «fellow» such a server inherited flexibility and a high degree of control. All of this makes it more attractive to experienced administrators and those who have to tackle large-scale virtualized environments.

Why servers are often confused

The explanation is simple. To people who don't know much about IT, the two servers really do look pretty much the same. After all, they solve similar problems. And their main functional purpose is basically the same.
There is one more thing. Most providers provide VPS and VDS in a complex. Accordingly, the uninitiated think that these two words are synonyms. In this case, the client himself only has to choose a server that best meets his needs and tasks. In this case, he is unlikely to understand what exactly was provided to him as a final product.

So is there a difference between a VPS and a VDS?

Yes, there is. And it lies primarily in the technical details of these servers:

  1. Operating system. On VDS, it is required to install it yourself. On VPS, it is present by default.
  2. Resource Allocation. VPS has a small limitation. Here, resources are allocated to multiple VMs at once. This can have a negative effect. If one VM has a sudden increase in load, the rest of the VMs simply do not have enough power to function properly. In VDS, there is no such problem. Here, each virtual machine has already reserved certain capacities, which are enough to solve tasks of any scale. Accordingly, even if one of the VMs experiences a sudden load spike, the performance of the other machines will not be affected in any way.
  3. VPS is more difficult to scale than VDS.

The difference is also in the cost. Because of the technical features described above, the price of a VDS is usually higher than a VPS, as these servers provide their owners with more features and guaranteed stability, but they also cost a lot to maintain.


For the average consumer, such differences between VPS and VDS seem insignificant. Indeed, if a server is needed for a small project, there is no particular difference in what will be provided. The situation changes when it comes to solving a large-scale business problem. In this case, it makes sense to carefully study the features of the servers that the provider is ready to provide, clarify their technical characteristics, and only on the basis of the obtained data make a choice in favor of one or another virtual space.

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