What is the difference between Windows and Linux?

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Difference between Windows and Linux

Everyone knows that in order to use a computer or laptop, you need an operating system that will manage all the processes and provide access to the applications you need to work, allowing you to open files, create presentations, documents, spreadsheets and more.

Some of the most popular operating systems at the moment are Windows and products based on the Linux kernel, but few people really understand the differences between the two.
In this article, we will explain what each of these products is, tell you about their differences, and advise you on which one to choose. Rest assured that after reading this article, you will have no more questions!

What is Windows?

Windows – is a product developed by Microsoft. This system has been at the top of the rankings around the world for many years. Thanks to the simplicity of the interface, a wide range of different tools and ease of use, it is actively used for work, study and small everyday tasks.
The first development of Microsoft, was released back in the 20th century, but the company was not going to stop there and over time continuously released updates. The latest version of Windows is number 11, and soon to be released is Windows 12 – a development that incorporates artificial intelligence technology.

Users highlight the following benefits of this system:

  • More options: you have access to a variety of applications and tools that will solve any task.
  • Easy to use: due to the simple interface, any user, regardless of age and special IT knowledge, will be able to use any tools and applications.
  • Availability of updates: Microsoft is constantly refining its product and releasing updates that take additional steps to keep your data secure and speed up all processes.

What is Linux?

Linux – is not one operating system, but a large number of different operating systems that are based on the kernel of the same name. Anyone can use it and configure everything at will, because the license for this development is completely free of charge.
The kernel was developed by Linus Towards, who originally called his invention «freaks» but later it received its current name and began to be actively developed under the familiar name.

Towards's work is now being used by developers all over the world, written about in prominent publications such as Forbes, and further developed by specialised companies.

Users tout the following benefits of Linux:

  • Free access: you don't have to pay money to create your own OS based on this kernel, because the licence is distributed free of charge.
  • High level of security: as a rule, many viruses are targeted exclusively at Microsoft users, as distributions are characterised by a high level of protection against the negative effects of various malware and a low level of popularity.
  • Diversity: distributions based on this kernel are very diverse, as they offer the possibility to customise various tools and create for yourself the most comfortable and convenient working environment.

What makes Windows different from Linux?

Windows differs from Linux in the following ways:

  • Cost of purchase: in order to use a Microsoft product, you need to purchase a special licence, while the distribution is free of charge.
  • Ease of use: The result of Microsoft's years of work – a simpler and easier to understand system for most people around the world, as it doesn't require a lot of customisation to use it. Whereas in the case of kernel, a person has to have some IT knowledge in order to create a user-friendly interface for himself.
  • The right to make changes: in an OS based on the Linux kernel developed by Linus Towards, literally everything can be customised, whereas Microsoft does not give users of its product access to make major changes.
  • Support: Since you have to purchase a licence to install Microsoft's system, you have the option of contacting support if you have any problems, and they will be there to answer any questions you may have. Whereas in the case of a product from Towards, which is free to use, you can get help from the user community or, in rare cases, from the company that created the distribution.
  • Security level: Because Windows tools are most often used rather than a distribution based on Towards's work, hackers and developers of destructive software designed to steal important data and passwords are targeting them.

Which to choose: Windows or Linux?

  • Even the most advanced IT experts cannot give a definite answer to this question, as the choice should be based on your goals and preferences:
  • If you want a user-friendly interface, lots of ready-to-use tools and don't need the ability to customise something to suit your needs – choose Windows.
  • If you want to configure everything yourself and do not want to pay money for a licence – choose a Linux-based distribution.
    When choosing is also worth paying attention to the study of all the features that provides this or that development. You don't need to get acquainted with each of them superficially and be guided by the opinion of other people, try to study the capabilities of each, and then you will definitely be able to make a rational and informed decision.


There are many differences between Windows and Linux. However, it is impossible to say for sure which operating system you should choose, because the outcome of your choice depends directly on the preferences of each individual user. That's why you should try to clearly define your goals before you install, and then you'll be sure to make the right choice!

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